Chess Puzzles : Improve Your Game

Chess Players like Challenge given by Chess Puzzles

My love for chess puzzles is for life, I know!

I used to do chess puzzles for hours on end. Like sweets – you finished one and would like another one. And then the next one. And the next one.

Chess players like the challenge and puzzles can give you that. Once you mastered easy ones, choose harder with a twist. Not so straightforward. The hardest, I would say, are chess studies. Did you know that there are chess composers coming up with all kind of intricate ideas?

Chess Puzzle Books I Recommend

My recommended chess books page has quite a few books I came across in my chess career.

Shop for recommended chess books

The Dutch Step method has lots of chess puzzles to offer:

Or take a look at M. Blokh’s book Combinative Motifs. 1400 chess exercises on combination only!

If that wouldn’t seem enough, we could go through another book by M. Blokh 600 combinations !